Power Facts
Double Poles
Hawaiian Electric owns an estimated 168,206 utility poles, which support electricity distribution as well as provide the infrastructure for telecommunications service providers to distribute internet, telephone, cable television, and street and traffic light services.
A “Double Pole” situation is created when an older utility pole is replaced, and all or some of the lines and equipment (i.e., telecom equipment, street and traffic lights) from the older pole have not yet been transferred to the new pole. As a result, two utility poles exist where there used to be only one utility pole, until all equipment can be moved (or transferred) to the new pole and the old pole is removed.
When a double pole is created, all stakeholders (County, State, Charter, Hawaiian Telcom, Lumen, Servpac, AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, etc.) are informed to complete their transfers in order for the old pole to be removed.
Our Double Pole Removal Plans
Hawaiian Electric agreed to ensure removal of all double poles that were identified in a 2018 audit by 2028, pursuant to a Decision and Order issued by the Public Utilities Commission in Docket No. 2018-0075. Double poles identified by this audit are referred to as “backlog” poles. Double poles created after this audit and that are created on a continual basis whenever existing poles are replaced are referred to as “preventive” or “post-audit” poles.
Hawaiian Electric has provided its “Double Pole Removal Plans,” located in Exhibit C of the Application Verification, which highlights both its short-term and long-term plans regarding these backlog poles. Hawaiian Electric is targeting to remove 1,305 backlog standard transfer double poles in years 2025 through 2027, and 1,269 poles in 2028, with the final goal of all backlog standard transfers to be completed by the end of 2028.
Backlog and Preventive Double Poles
Double poles are split into two situations:
- A “backlog” double pole is a double pole situation that was created before October 16, 2018 (the date on which Hawaiian Electric acquired ownership of the communications space on utility poles).
- A “preventive” double pole is a situation created after October 16, 2018, in which existing poles are replaced due to maintenance and telecom attachments are not transferred over.

Standard and Non-Standard Transfers
Standard Transfer
A "standard transfer" encompasses de-attaching existing facilities from an old pole and attaching them to a new pole in close proximity to the old pole. The new attachments may be located at the same or similar position on the new pole or cross arm on the new pole, and no cable splices are required. Standard transfers are to be accomplished without an interruption of Hawaiian Telcom services. Field conditions may determine the need to classify standard transfers as non-standard transfers.
Non-Standard Transfer
A "non-standard transfer" is a transfer that does not meet the explicit definition of a standard transfer and typically requires more work and/or materials to perform the transfer. A non-standard transfer potentially requires an interruption in Hawaiian Telcom services since it would involve having to cut-in or splice additional cable to accomplish the transfer.
Reporting a Double Pole Concern
If you are interested in reporting a double pole concern to us, please click the button below to notify our Double Poles group via e-mail. In your message, please include the following information*:
- The electric pole number (marked with a metal number tag, generally located approximately three to four feet above the ground). Please note that the taller pole with electrical lines suspended higher is likely the electric pole.
- The nearest address and/or cross streets for where the pole is located.
- A description of what the double pole concern entails.
- Photos of the double pole in question. If possible, include multiple photos taken from various angles.
- Your contact information so that we can reach you if we need to gather additional information.
*Failure to include any of the above-listed information may result in significant delays in addressing your concern.
All double pole concerns will be tracked by Hawaiian Electric and may be submitted to the State of Hawaii Public Utilities Commission for potential future reporting purposes.
Resources and Bi-Annual Reports
Stakeholder Meetings
Hawaiian Electric has met with various stakeholders from the State, City & County, and private sector to implement the Stipulated Comprehensive Double Pole Removal Plan (the “Stipulated Plan”). Listed below is a summary of the meetings held, along with meeting attendees and a summary of the issues discussed:
- Sept. 18, 2024: 2024 Joint Pole Committee Annual Meeting – Oahu. Attended by representatives from Hawaiian Electric, City & County Department of Design & Construction, City & County Department of Facility Maintenance, and State Department of Transportation to discuss annual billing, Stipulated Plan progress, and work progress communication.
- Nov. 6, 2024: Hawaii Island Semi-Annual Joint Pole Meeting. Attended by representatives from Hawaiian Electric and the County of Hawaii to discuss specific joint pole coordination issues related to double poles, line transfers, customer inquiries, and pole replacement projects.
- Dec. 10, 2024: Double Pole Program Stakeholder Meeting. Attended by representatives from Hawaiian Electric, Hawaiian Telcom, and various contractors to discuss status on implementation of the Stipulated Plan, vendor lead times for materials required, and contractor staffing issues.
- September 2024 – Current (Ongoing): Weekly and Bi-Weekly Double Pole Coordination Meetings with Contractors. Attended by representatives from Hawaiian Electric and various contractors to discuss double pole progress updates, completion status reports, and double pole priorities resulting from customer inquiries.
- September 2024 – Current (Ongoing): Bi-Weekly Double Pole Coordination Meetings with Hawaiian Telcom. Attended by representatives from Hawaiian Electric and Hawaiian Telcom to discuss double pole and joint pole coordination issues, issues related to materials for implementation, and recent customer and vegetation inquiries.
- September 2024 – Current (Ongoing): Monthly Double Pole Coordination Meetings with Spectrum. Attended by representatives from Hawaiian Electric and Spectrum to discuss implementation issues related to line transfers, customer inquires, and pole replacement projects.
Public Utilities Commission Documents
- Sept. 26, 2024 - Motion for Reconsideration and/or Clarification of Decision and Order No. 41034; Memorandum in Support of Motion
- Sept. 16, 2024 - Decision and Order No. 41034
- July 26, 2024 - Hawaiian Electric Reply Statement of Position
- July 20, 2024 - Division of Consumer Advocacy's Statement of Position
- July 15, 2024 - Hawaiian Electric Responses to Commission's Information Requests
- June 28, 2024 - Hawaiian Electric for Approval of Stipulated Comprehensive Double Pole Removal Plan
- June 14, 2024 - Hawaiian Electric Responses to Consumer Advocate’s Information Requests
- June 14, 2024 - Hawaiian Electric Responses to Commission’s Information Requests
- May 31, 2024 - Hawaiian Electric for Approval of Stipulated Comprehensive Double Pole Removal Plan
- May 31, 2024 - Division of Consumer Advocacy's Submission of Information Requests
- May 23, 2024 - Establishing a Statement of Issues and Setting Forth a Procedural Schedule
- May 21, 2024 - Division of Consumer Advocacy's Preliminary Statement of Position
- April 30, 2024 - Hawaiian Electric Application; Verification; Exhibits "A" - "E"
- Dec. 28, 2023 - PUC Report to the 2024 Legislature Pursuant to HCR41 and HR45
- Oct. 16, 2018 - Docket No. 2018-0075; Decision and Order No. 35768