Customer Renewable Programs


Shared Solar

Latest Shared Solar News

  • Oct. 6, 2023 - Palailai Solar 1, a 3-megawatt shared solar project in Kapolei, began commercial operation on Oct. 1, 2023, and is enrolling residential customers on Oahu. For more information on Palailai Solar 1, visit the shared solar portal at
  • Jan. 12, 2023 - Hawaiian Electric and Hoahu Energy Cooperative Molokai are moving ahead with the state’s first two community-owned and -designed solar plus battery projects. These projects could meet over 20% of Molokai’s energy needs and serve an estimated 1,500 households on the island. Read more in our news release.
  • Nov. 22, 2022 - On Nov. 15, 2022, Hawaiian Electric selected a total of seven solar projects on Oahu, Hawaii Island and Maui for the LMI CBRE RFP. These projects were selected after a competitive evaluation of both price and non-price factors. Read more in our news release.
  • July 25, 2022 - Hawaiian Electric has selected a new developer, DG Development & Acquisition, LLC, to build and maintain Lanai Solar as part of the Lanai CBRE RFP. It would be the island's largest utility-scale renewable energy project and the first to offer shared solar. Lanai Solar replaces an earlier project announced in April; a contract could not be finalized. Read more in our news release.
  • July 1, 2022 - For small projects (up to 250 kilowatts) on Oahu, Maui Island and Hawaii Island, Hawaiian Electric's four-month procurement window started on March 10, 2022, and is set to end on July 11, 2022. At that point, Hawaiian Electric will continue with open procurement on small projects on a "first-come, first-serve" application basis and at a fixed credit rate per island. Interested developers are encouraged to register and apply for project capacity on the CBRE Portal starting on July 11, 2022.
  • May 25, 2022 - Interested solar developers are invited to join Hawaiian Electric’s shared solar team for a virtual presentation on June 7, 2022, at 9:30 a.m. HST to learn more about the program and shared solar project opportunities. Email to RSVP and receive a Teams meeting link.

View the latest information and tools for shared solar as administered by Hawaiian Electric for all five islands we serve.

Community-Based Renewable Energy (CBRE) Phase 2

What is CBRE Phase 2?

CBRE Phase 2 (now known as shared solar) is now open to photovoltaic projects that may or may not include batteries. It allows customers who cannot put solar panels on their own roof, including renters, apartment residents and small commercial customers, to participate in the renewable energy movement and save money.

Unlike Phase 1, which was limited to 8 megawatts, Phase 2 will be open to about 250 MW of renewable generation across the five islands Hawaiian Electric serves, including Molokai and Lanai. The second phase places special emphasis on opportunities for low-to-moderate-income residential customers to participate. In addition to private companies and organizations, Hawaiian Electric will be able to develop projects and recruit subscribers under certain conditions.

Learn more about CBRE Phase 1.

Where is Phase 2?

The Phase 2 application process for small projects (up to 250 kilowatts) on Oahu, Maui Island and Hawaii Island started on March 10, 2022. After concluding a four-month competitive procurement window on July 11, 2022, Hawaiian Electric will continue to accept small project applications, at a fixed credit rate ($0.15 for Oahu and Hawaii Island, $0.165 for Maui) up to the program capacity for each island or otherwise directed by the Public Utilities Commission.

Larger Phase 2 projects (250 kilowatts and above) are being procured through a formal RFP process. More details can be found on our Competitive Bidding for New Generation page.

How can I participate?

After each project contracts with Hawaiian Electric, subscriber organizations will be able to recruit and sign-up customers to participate on the island where it is located.

Potential subscriber organizations and developers interested in small projects can register on the shared solar portal at to be ready for the release of the small project capacity. Here are instructions on how to register as a subscriber organization applicant. Potential participating customers do not need to register at present.

Individual customers are able to subscribe to projects added by Subscriber Organizations when available.

Contact us at

solar panels
solar panels

CBRE Phase 2 application capacity for each island, Tranche 1

As of Feb. 24, 2025 Oahu Maui Hawaii Lanai Molokai
Phase 2, Tranche 1 RFP* Capacity (kW) 75,000 12,500 12,500 3,000 2,750
Active Projects (kW) 0 0 0 3,000 2,450
No. Projects 0 0 0 0 2
Phase 2, Dedicated-LMI RFP* Capacity (kW) No Cap No Cap No Cap - -
Active Projects (kW) 6,000 2,500 6,000 - -
No. Projects 1 1 2 - -
Phase 2, Tranche 1 Small Project Capacity (kW) 30,000 8,475 7,500 - -
Active Applications (kW) 0 0 0 - -
No. Active Applications 1 0 0 - -
Total Applied Capacity (kW) 240 0 0 - -
No. Allocated 1 0 0 - -

* Phase 2 RFPs have closed. For more information, please view the status of our shared solar projects.

CBRE Phase 2 capacity limits for individual projects, Tranche 1

Location Mid-Tier & Large Projects Small Projects LMI
Oahu 75 MW 30 MW Minimum 1 uncapped project
Maui 12.5 MW 7.5 MW + 975 kW from Phase 1 Minimum 1 uncapped project
Hawaii Island 12.5 MW 7.5 MW Minimum 1 uncapped project
Lanai 2.5 MW + 500 kW from Phase 1 -
Molokai 2.5 MW + 250 kW from Phase 1 -

CBRE Phase 2 capacity limits for individual projects, Tranche 2

Location Large Projects Small Projects
Oahu 75 MW TBD
Maui 12.5 MW TBD
Hawaii Island 12.5 MW TBD