New Renewable Energy Projects

Keep track of our progress on all of the various renewable energy projects currently in the works.

New Renewable Energy Projects

Keep track of our progress on all of the various renewable energy projects currently in the works.

Clean Energy Hawaii

Our Islands are blessed with an abundance of clean, renewable energy sources. Hawaiian Electric is committed to integrating these new and evolving technologies to maximize our state's self-sufficiency and provide our customers with more stable and predictable pricing. These technologies include:

The ability to produce clean energy, mostly or completely from local and homegrown resources, will create positive change for our economy, our environment, our communities and our freedom from oil-based dependency.

Read our detailed energy plans submitted to the Public Utilities Commission on December 23, 2016.

Our Commitment

Hawaiian Electric is committed to increasing Hawaii's use of clean energy and reducing our dependency on imported oil.

Our goals include 100 percent renewable energy by 2045. Learn more about our vision.

How are we doing?

Hawaiian Electric achieved a 32% consolidated renewable portfolio standard (RPS) in 2022 using a new calculation signed into law last year. We exceeded the state requirement to reach 30 percent by 2020, and more than tripled the amount of renewable energy on our electric grids in 10 years, up from just under 10 percent in 2010.

Maui County, including Molokai and Lanai, reached 36% RPS, Hawaii Island recorded 48% and Oahu hit 28%.

Our Clean Energy Portfolio

The company uses a diverse mix of renewable sources, including waste-to-energy, biomass, geothermal, hydro, wind, biofuels and solar, both utility-scale and customer-sited rooftop systems.

We're investing in the future, creating green jobs, and gaining our energy independence. View our report.