Customer Renewable Programs


Community-Based Renewable Energy (CBRE) Phase 1

Hawaiian Electric opened the first phase of the Community-Based Renewable Energy in June 2018, accepting applications from interested companies, organizations, developers, or groups that wished to become a subscriber organization and propose a shared solar project.

Only solar projects were eligible for the initial phase of 8 megawatts of capacity available statewide, equivalent to a small grid-scale array, as approved by the Commission. Some projects for Phase 1 are still in development under the original rules. The unallocated capacity from Phase 1 has been rolled over into Phase 2. No Phase 1 capacity is currently available.

CBRE Phase 1 Projects

Name Island Technology Size (kW) Status Estimated Completion
ROIZ CBRE Maui Solar 28.32 In Operation -
Mililani Tech Solar 1 Oahu Solar 270 In Operation -
Palailai Solar 1 Oahu Solar 3,000 In Operation -
Ka Lae Energy Hawaii Island Solar 750 In Operation -
Kawela Plantation Molokai Solar 250 In Operation -
KHLS Oahu Solar 1,720 Under Construction Q3, 2023


Original Capacity and Credit Rate of Phase 1 by Island

Island Capacity (MW) Credit Rate ($/kWh) Technology Capacity in Queue (kW) # Applications in Queue
Oahu 5.0 0.15 Solar - -
Hawaii Island 1.0 0.15 Solar - -
Maui 1.0 0.165 Solar - -
Molokai 0.5 0.225 Solar - -
Lanai 0.5 0.26 Solar - -
Total 8.0 - -