Welcome to the IIQ for Maui County
The Integrated Interconnection Queue (IIQ)* is intended to provide a single queue across all procurement programs for interconnection requests to Maui County's grid. The IIQ, as shown below, is updated for each calendar month. The IIQ can be sorted by column, or specific fields can be searched using the "Search" button. To view the IIQ for a particular circuit, please click on the hyperlink in the "Circuit " column located in the Overall IIQ.
The "Review Status" column below contains one of the following status codes. For more information, please see the Frequently Asked Questions.
RC | Review Completeness | CAR | Customer Action Required | IRS | Interconnection Requirements Study |
ITR | Initial Technical Review | PI | Pending Installation | RS | Representative Study |
SR | Supplemental Review | PV | Pending Verification | ||
SRC | Supplemental Review Complete | PE | Pending Execution | ||
NOTE: Applications which have been terminated, withdrawn or executed will not be displayed in the IIQ. |
Many of the projects listed are awaiting information from the customer or have been approved for interconnection but the customer/developer has not yet installed them. To ensure that only active projects are reserving space in the queue, Hawaiian Electric will be following up with the customer/developer on the status of these projects. |
*An applicant's position in the IIQ and on a particular circuit (circuit queue) will change as the applicant moves through the review process.
**The data reported in the IIQ is updated by the end of each calendar month for the month prior's activity. For example, information shown in the IIQ on January 30, 2019 will reflect information received through December 31, 2018.