Key Performance Metrics
Renewable Energy
Renewable Portfolio Standard ("RPS") Compliance
The Hawaiian Electric RPS Status Report is filed annually with the Public Utilities Commission and calculates the RPS percentage based on total sales for the previous calendar year in accordance with the RPS law. This RPS Compliance metric estimates the percent of sales that is represented by renewable energy. This metric approximates how the RPS will be calculated from 2015 forward when electrical savings from energy efficiency and solar water heating will not be counted towards achievement of RPS compliance. The charts below indicate how the Company is achieving compliance with the RPS on a consolidated and island region basis.
Hawaiian Electric
Maui County
Hawaii island
Please click the button below for historical data (in Excel format).
System Renewable Energy ("System RE")
The System Renewable Energy metric differs from the Renewable Portfolio Standard because it estimates the percent of total net generation that is represented by renewable energy rather than being based on sales and does not include customer-sited renewable generation. Net generation is the amount of electricity generated and transmitted to the utility grid from the source (i.e., power plant). Generation from independent power producers ("IPPs") and utility power plants is recorded at the net generation level. Sales are lower than the net generation due to losses in transmitting the electricity from the source to the customers. Therefore, the System Renewable Energy will result in values lower than the RPS since customer-sited renewable generation is not included and net generation is used instead of sales. The charts below show the results for the Company on a consolidated and island region basis.
Hawaiian Electric
Maui County
Hawaii Island
Please click the button below for historical data (in Excel format).
Total Renewable Energy ("Total RE")
The Total Renewable Energy metric differs from the RPS because it is based on total energy and not sales. Similar to the RPS, the contribution from customer-sited renewable generation is included as part of the renewable energy generated and must also be added to the total net generation of the system. The charts below show the results for the Company on a consolidated and island region basis.1
1 Prior quarters' Total RE were updated for adjustments in the calculation of generation from customer-sited, grid-connected renewables. This resulted in an increase in the reported consolidated Total RE by 0.8, 0.7, 0.6 percentage points for Q1, Q2 and Q3 2020, respectively. The increase was due to updated monthly capacity factors for DER that were finalized at year end.
Hawaiian Electric
Maui County
Hawaii Island
Please click the button below for historical data (in Excel format).
Amount of Renewable Energy Generation Curtailment
The Amount of Renewable Energy Generation Curtailment metric estimates the amount of energy that may have been available from renewable energy resources but could not be accepted onto the grid. At those times when the output from renewable energy resources exceeds the ability of the grid to accept that energy, the output of one or more curtailable resources must be reduced so that the balance of total system generation and total system demand can be maintained (excess energy). The output of renewable energy resources may be curtailed by the system operator for other reasons including (a) failure of a facility to meet performance standards, (b) system constraints that are mitigated by reduction in the facility output and (c) localized system maintenance requiring reduction in output from the facility. There are also occasions where the curtailment occurred at the request of the facility, such as high wind speed conditions, maintenance of equipment, and other operational conditions. The renewable energy curtailment metric reported below includes curtailments for any reason.
The amount of curtailed energy is not a measurable quantity. It can only be estimated by calculating a theoretical production potential and comparing that against the amount of energy actually accepted onto the grid. The energy accepted is a measured quantity. The amount of curtailed energy is the difference between the two quantities.
The Amount of Renewable Energy Generation Curtailment metric is presented in two graphs below for each island system, except for Molokai.2 The first graph, Estimated Curtailed Energy as a Percentage of Available IPP Curtailable Energy, provides the percentage of estimated curtailed energy relative to estimated potential energy from the IPP curtailable renewable resources. This percentage represents estimated curtailed energy as a percentage of estimated available curtailable energy. The second graph, Estimated Curtailed Energy as a Percentage of Available IPP Curtailable Energy Plus All Other Renewable Energy Generation, provides the percentage of estimated curtailed energy based on the sum of curtailable, non-curtailable (e.g., distributed photovoltaic ("PV")), and other scheduled renewable generation resources (e.g., Oahu's H-Power), as well as utility-owned renewable generation resources. This percentage represents estimated curtailed energy as a percentage of renewable energy accepted from all renewable resources.
2 Prior 2020 and 2019 quarters' figures for percent curtailed of all renewable energy resources were updated for adjustments in the calculation of generation from customer-sited, grid-connected renewables. The decreases in 2020 were less than 1 percentage point and were due to updated monthly capacity factors for DER that were finalized at year end. The increases in 2019 were less than 1 percentage point and were due to the inadvertent input of cumulative generation instead of quarterly generation for DER.
Maui County – Maui Division
Maui County – Lanai Division
Maui County – Molokai Division
Maui County – Molokai Division has no curtailable renewable energy generation resources at this time.
Hawaii Island
Please click the button below for historical data (in Excel format).
Amount of Renewable Energy Generation Curtailment by Category
There are many specific reasons for curtailing renewable energy. Some conditions and activities are rare and occur very infrequently, while other situations are more commonplace. To simplify the curtailment reasons so they are more easily understandable, can be categorized consistently, and to minimize interpretation of what causes the curtailment event, Hawaiian Electric has adopted the following three curtailment categories:
- Oversupply: Curtailment is required to maintain the balance of the total system generation and total system demand. This condition includes the commitment and dispatch of all system generators that are required to operate for good engineering and operating reasons. Curtailment for oversupply usually follows the facility curtailment seniority.
- System Constraint: A system problem or situation that is best addressed with the curtailment of a particular facility. Hence, curtailment does not observe the curtailment seniority.
- Facility Requested: Curtailment enacted in accordance with a request from a renewable energy generating facility. As an example, the renewable wind energy facilities may make this request during high wind speed periods to prevent wind turbine generator equipment damage.
Maui County – Maui Division
Maui County – Lanai Division
Maui County – Molokai Division
Maui County – Molokai Division has no curtailable renewable energy generation resources at this time.
Hawaii Island
Please click the button below for historical data (in Excel format).
Number of NEM Program Participants and Capacity of NEM Program
The Hawaiian Electric Net Energy Metering (NEM) program is governed by the Rule 18 tariff and enrollment into the programs is either through the Appendix I agreement (for systems 10 kW and below in capacity) or through the Appendix II agreement (for systems above 10 kW up to and including 100 kW in capacity). Residential customers typically seek enrollment under the Appendix I agreement.
On October 12, 2015, the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission issued Decision and Order No. 33258 which closed the NEM program to new participants and approved interconnection under new customer self-supply ("CSS") and customer grid-supply ("CGS") options as a transitional market structure for distributed generation resources. The NEM program is fully subscribed as of October 13, 2015. Hawaiian Electric will continue to execute NEM agreements that were submitted before October 13, 2015 and have been approved for installation, until the queue is cleared.
View the Net Energy Metering (NEM) annual reports filed with the PUC.
The graphs below contain quarterly data representing the cumulative number of customers and system capacity (MW) enrolled in the NEM program for the Company on a consolidated and island region basis. Nearly all PV systems enrolled in NEM are rooftop PV systems. Approximately 96% of all participants are residential customers enrolled under the Appendix I agreement on a consolidated basis. The residential customers' participation levels (for Appendix 1 and Appendix 2) are: Oahu, 97%; Maui County, 93%; and Hawaii Island, 94%.
Hawaiian Electric
Maui County
Hawaii Island
Please click the button below for historical participants and capacity data (in Excel format).
Amount of Energy Exported by NEM Program Participants
The graphs below contain quarterly data representing the total amount of energy (kWh) exported to the grid by NEM customers (all rate classes) on a consolidated and island region basis. The total amount of energy exported to the grid is the amount of energy produced by the customer's renewable energy system less customer loads. This metric contains data for NEM program participants (those customers who have an executed NEM contract and net meter installed as defined by the Rule No. 18 tariff) and does not include other renewable programs such as Feed-In-Tariff ("FIT") or Standard Interconnection ("SIA").
Hawaiian Electric
Maui County
Hawaii Island
Please click the button below for historical participants and capacity data (in Excel format).