Customer Service

Frequently Asked Questions

A subscriber:

  • May purchase or lease a minimum of 1 kW AC (0.5 kW AC for low and middle-income subscribers) up to 100 percent of their average energy use for the previous 12 months.
  • May participate in only one shared solar facility at a time and must maintain an electricity account and service address on the same island as the facility to which they subscribe. May change service address with no transfer fee if the new address is on the same island and meets eligibility requirements.
  • May transfer participation or sell all or some of their participation back to the subscriber organization under certain terms.

The electric bill will show the amount of electricity and the cost at the regular residential or commercial rate that the subscriber used from the utility, less the credit from shared solar participation. The bill cannot be reduced below the total of the customer charge, Green Infrastructure Fee and other per-customer surcharges in the underlying tariff and minimum demand charge, if applicable. If the subscriber's monthly credit exceeds eligible charges, the excess is automatically carried over to the next billing period within a 12-month period. An unused credit at the end of 12 months is lost.

  • Oahu – 5.0 MW
  • Hawaii Island – 1.0 MW
  • Maui – 1.0 MW
  • Molokai – 0.5 MW
  • Lanai – 0.5 MW

  • Oahu – 15 cents per kWh
  • Hawaii Island – 15 cents per kWh
  • Maui – 16.50 cents per kWh
  • Molokai – 22.50 cents per kWh
  • Lanai – 26 cents per kWh

Not in the first phase, per guidance from the Public Utilities Commission.

Please see the following chart for comparison(s):

CBRECustomer Grid-Supply PlusCustomer Self-SupplyCustomer Grid-Supply/Smart Export
Curtailment ControlYes, requiredYes, requiredNo, but designed as non-export systemNo
Curtailment OrderLast to be curtailed2nd to lastNo curtailmentNo curtailment
Technical ReviewYes, requiredYes, requiredSimplified based on Rule 14hYes, required
Circuit CapacityPriority over other programsProcessed in order receivedN/AProcessed in order received

The Customer Interconnection Tool (CIT) is an online platform for customers and/or contractors to submit applications for our Customer Self Supply and future programs.

Currently Hawaiian Electric receives applications in hardcopy form with printed attachments, and the application process is a little different for all islands. The new tool allows applicants to submit all of their information, including electronic documents, online. They also have the ability to see how their application is progressing through the process and to receive regular status updates as various timelines are met. It will also allow greater functionality for the Distributed Energy Resources team responsible for processing applications in a timely manner.

This tool, and its functionality, came about from industry feedback – customers and contractors who asked for a simpler, consistent applications process – and from employees at Hawaiian Electric who are responsible for reviewing the applications.

The online tool streamlines the overall application process by allowing for convenient electronic submission of information and documents. Applicants are prompted to provide required documentation, reducing the potential of delay associated with simple errors of omission. It is not uncommon for applicants to overlook certain information required to process the application. Applicants (both customers and contractors) also have greater visibility into the overall process with regular access to log-in and see the current status of the application.