Employees, retirees raised over $63,400 for HIUW in 2022
Workplace campaign theme emphasized “Hoomau,” to persevere
Release Date: 4/5/2023

Hawaiian Electric’s Jennifer Zelko-Schlueter, David Kurohara and Kevin Waltjen present Hawaii Island United Way’s Carol Pacheco, Paulette Wilson, Chelsy Walport, and Chelsea Mack with a check representing contributions from employees and retirees on Hawaii Island.
HILO, Apr. 5, 2023 – In 2022, Hawaiian Electric employees and retirees on Hawaii Island, with support from IBEW Local 1260, together raised $63,464.45 during the company’s workplace campaign to benefit Hawaii Island United Way. The nonprofit will disburse funds through its partner agencies to support and continue services for the underserved and vulnerable individuals, families and communities in need.
Combined with contributions raised through campaigns by employees on Oahu and Maui County for their respective United Way agencies, the total amount raised across the companies amounted to more than $536,974 for Hawaii Island United Way, Aloha United Way, and Maui United Way.
“If the pandemic and challenges of the past few years has taught us anything, it’s that we must unite and persevere to help our communities emerge stronger and renewed,” said Jim Kelly, Hawaiian Electric vice president of government and community relations and corporate communications, and an executive sponsor of the 2022 workplace campaign. “Our campaign theme, Hoomau, aptly describes our efforts to persist, persevere and perpetuate support for United Way and their good work in the community.”
“Hawaii Island United Way’s fundraising partnership with Hawaiian Electric employees and retirees spans many years,” said Karen Davis, Hawaii Island United Way president and chief professional officer. “We could not be more appreciative of Hawaiian Electric’s continued generosity to unite with us and make a collective impact on Hawaii Island that will strengthen generations to come.”
Funds were raised through a number of programs and events including a popular cookbook fundraiser, a virtual 5k walk, and a “Hot Ones” spice challenge, as well as employee and retiree pledges.