
Power restored for some businesses in West Maui

Temporary poles aid restoration work

Release Date: 9/3/2023

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Crews Working

KAHULUI, Sep. 3, 2023 – Hawaiian Electric crews are continuing to safely restore electricity to businesses in West Maui that have completed checking their equipment and received approval from the county emergency operations center for reenergization.

Temporary poles, some of which were shipped from Hawaii Island and Oahu, with more expected in the coming weeks, have been installed in Lahaina in order to allow customers who can safely receive electricity to get access to power. As the Maui community discusses what the future of its energy delivery system will look like, overhead poles are being used as an interim solution in order for customers in Lahaina to safely receive electricity.

Hawaiian Electric is committed to supporting Maui and the people of Hawaii for the long term and looks forward to being a part of the rebuilding process.

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