Grid Modernization (GM)
The utility grid needs to be modernized to allow more integration of variable and intermittent energy from renewable energy resources, enable two-way power flow to fully leverage customer distributed energy resources, and help Hawaii meet its renewable energy goals.
Modernize the grid to allow more flexibility and integration of renewable energy resources and mitigate potential integration constraints (voltage, thermal, protection).
Increase visibility, grid functionality, and control of the grid to increase reliability, enable interoperability of distributed energy resources, and increase resiliency.
Enable two-way communication network, data exchange, and interoperability throughout the utility and edge of the grid (for renewable distributed energy resources) with new intelligent power equipment and systems.
Mitigate impacts on heavily-penetrated circuits to maintain proper system voltages by deploying grid-connected voltage management at the transmission, distribution, and secondary circuits.
Optimize the utilization of existing equipment and assets to maximize remaining life and control costs.
Design and implement microgrid applications with effective electric power system sectionalization and systematic reconfigurations. (A microgrid is a group of interconnected loads and distributed energy resources within clearly defined electrical boundaries that acts as a single controllable entity with respect to the utility's electrical grid and can connect to a public utility's electrical grid to operate in grid-connected mode and can disconnect from the grid to operate in island mode, and that is subject to a microgrid services tariff and generates or produces energy.)