Selling Power to the Utility
Molokai Community-Based Renewable Energy (CBRE) RFP
On April 9, 2020 the PUC issued Order No. 37070 (PDF) in the CBRE docket (2015-0389) instructing Hawaiian Electric to Commence Phase 2 of the CBRE Program. CBRE, also called Shared Solar, provides a way for participating subscribers without privately-owned rooftop solar to benefit from electricity generated by a renewable energy facility located in their utility service territory. As a result, the Companies have developed several different RFPs including: LMI CBRE RFPs for Oahu, Maui, and Hawaii Island; Tranche 1 CBRE RFPs for Oahu, Maui, and Hawaii Island; a Molokai CBRE RFP; and a Lanai CBRE RFP. The Companies are excited for this opportunity to allow access to renewable energy benefits to a wider array of customers.
Visit the Community Based-Renewable Energy Resources page for more information about the Shared Solar Program. Details on the CBRE RFPs can be found in Docket 2015-0389 and in the information below:
RFP Process

Two CBRE Projects Awarded to Hoahu Energy Cooperative Molokai
January 12, 2023
On August 24, 2022, Hawaiian Electric concluded the Molokai CBRE RFP without a Final Award Group awardee. Recognizing the unique circumstances on Molokai, on September 9, 2022, the Company submitted a letter to the PUC requesting to close the Molokai CBRE RFP and work directly with the only bidder, Hoahu Energy Cooperative Molokai. Hoahu Energy Cooperative Molokai is a volunteer grassroots nonprofit organization formed in 2020 by Molokai community advocates to enable island residents to design and own renewable energy projects built on Molokai. Hawaiian Electric and Hoahu began collaborating and ultimately agreed on contract terms for the two proposal Hoahu submitted to the Molokai CBRE RFP. The terms of this agreement were outline in a joint letter to the PUC on January 11, 2023. The Palaau project could provide up to 2.2 megawatts of solar energy paired with a 10.1 megawatt-hour battery energy storage system and will be sited on property owned by Hawaiian Electric, adjacent to the company’s Palaau Baseyard. The Kualapuu project could provide up to 0.25 MW paired with a 1 MWh battery and will be located at the Kualapuu Park and Community Center with the project’s solar array mounted on carport structures over the existing parking lot. Once negotiations of the 20-year contracts are finalized, Hawaiian Electric and Hoahu will submit the two applications for approval by the Public Utilities Commission.
Commission Approves Request to Extend Development Timeline and Delay Bid Submittal Date
February 15, 2022
On February 14, 2022, the Commission issued a letter approving Hawaiian Electric’s proposal to extend the time to achieve Commercial Operations Date for the Molokai CBRE RFP from 18 months to 24 months from the execution date of the Mid-Tier Standard Form Contact. The Commission also approved Hawaiian Electric’s plans to extend the RFP bidding submittal deadline by two weeks from February 15, 2022 to March 1, 2022.
Request to Extend Development Timeline and Delay Bid Submittal Date
February 10, 2022
On February 9, 2022, Hawaiian Electric filed a letter with the Commission requesting to extend the allowed timeframe for the selected project(s) to achieve commercial operations from 18-months after the execution of the power purchase agreement to 24-months. To allow bidders an opportunity to account for this proposed modification, Hawaiian Electric also requested to extend the deadline for bid submittals by two weeks, from February 15, 2022 to March 1, 2022. The results of any decision from the Commission on this matter will be posted here.
Revised Final Contracts for the Molokai and Lanai CBRE RFPs
February 2, 2022
On February 1, 2022, Hawaiian Electric filed with the Commission the revised final contracts for the shared solar program for Community-Based Renewable Energy ("CBRE") Program Phase 2 for Molokai and Lanai. Subsequent to the November 22, 2021 filing of the final CBRE RFPs and associated documents for Molokai and Lanai, the Companies identified a number of typographical and substantive errors, omissions and the need for several clarifying amendments within the contract documents associated with the RFPs. The revised final contracts and associated redlines are available for download from the Lanai CBRE RFP and Molokai CBRE RFP document pages. In addition, the fling has been posted to the Shared Solar Resources page.
Recording of Technical Training for Contracts for the Molokai and Lanai CBRE RFPs
December 17, 2021
A recording of the Hawaiian Electric, Technical Training for Contracts for the Molokai Lanai CBRE RFPs, which was conducted on December 8, 2021 can be viewed here: Lanai and Molokai CBRE Training Video. In addition, the training material is available for reference.
The Company has reviewed the provided video and training material for accuracy and consistency with the Shared Solar Program RFP's and its required documents. If, however, any inconsistencies are discovered, the terms and documents of the Shared Solar Program RFP's shall control. Please contact us if you should discover any errors or inconsistencies with the video and training material. Any updates will be posted to the CBRE Q&A for these RFPs. Thank you for your assistance and cooperation.
Training Opportunity for the Molokai and Lanai CBRE RFPs
November 30, 2021
Hawaiian Electric will offer a CBRE training event for prospective Proposers on the performance requirements for the Molokai CBRE RFP, Mid-Tier Standard Form Contract (Mid-Tier SFC) and the Lanai CBRE RFP, Renewable Dispatchable Generation Power Purchase Agreement (RDG PPA). No pre-registration is required. Please use the following link to access the live training on December 8, 2021 from 11 am to 12 pm HST. A recording of the training will be posted to our website for those who are unable to attend.
To join this session, please use the Microsoft Teams platform (This link will be active at the start of the meeting). Recommend downloading the Microsoft Teams app from your mobile device or digital pad before the session.
Proposer's Conference Webinar for the Molokai and Lanai CBRE RFPs
November 29, 2021
A prerecorded Proposer’s Conference for the Molokai and Lanai CBRE RFPs is available for viewing.
Final CBRE RFP for Molokai Issued
November 22, 2021
On November 22, 2021 at 4 pm HST, Hawaiian Electric issued the Community-Based Renewable Energy (CBRE) Program Phase 2 Requests for Proposal (RFP) for Molokai and Lanai in accordance with Order No. 38038 (PDF) issued on October 25, 2021 and Order No. 38074 (PDF) issued on November 18, 2021 in the CBRE docket (2015-0389). The RFP and supporting documents are available for download from the Molokai CBRE RFP document pages, and have also been filed with the Public Utilities Commission.
Bidders must submit proposals via Power Advocate, an electronic procurement platform. Information for PowerAdvocate Platform registration and technical support can be found in Appendix B and Appendix D of the RFP.
PowerAdvocate Platform support is available from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Eastern Time (3:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. HST) Monday to Friday, except for major US holidays posted on the PowerAdvocate website, both by phone: (857) 453-5800 and by e-mail:
All questions or comments regarding the RFP shall be submitted to the Company via
Molokai and Lanai CBRE RFPs
November 10, 2021
On November 4, 2021, Hawaiian Electric filed the proposed final shared solar program for Community-Based Renewable Energy ("CBRE") Program Phase 2 Tariffs, RFPs and Model Contracts for Molokai and Lanai in accordance with Order No. 38038 (PDF) issued on October 25, 2021 in the CBRE docket (2015-0389). Both RFPs will be approved automatically 10 days after their filing, unless otherwise ordered by the Public Utilities Commission.
Please visit the Shared Solar page for more information about this program. The RFP and supporting documents are also available for download from the Lanai CBRE RFP and Molokai CBRE RFP document pages.
Shared Solar
September 1, 2021
On August 25, 2021, Hawaiian Electric filed the revised shared solar program for Community-Based Renewable Energy ("CBRE") Program Phase 2 Tariffs, RFPs and Model Contracts for Low- and Moderate-Income, Tranche 1, and Lānaʻi in accordance with Order No. 37879 (PDF) issued on July 27, 2021 in the CBRE docket (2015-0389). The Molokaʻi CBRE RFP and Model Contracts were filed on August 31, 2021, also in accordance with Order No. 37879. All CBRE RFPs will be approved automatically 15 days after their filing, unless otherwise ordered by the Public Utilities Commission.
Please visit the Shared Solar page for more information about this program. A Navigation Guide has been created to assist in finding specific documents within the filing including links to individual PDFs of each section of the filings and redlines.
Molokai RFP
June 9, 2021
On March 29, 2021, Hawaiian Electric submitted the proposed plan for the Molokai Request for Proposals (“Molokai Plan”), which consists of a three-step approach to accelerate procurements on Molokai while also incorporating community and stakeholder input.
On June 3, the Commission provided notice that it will hold a Status Conference on Tuesday, June 29, 2021, from 1:00-3:00pm to review Hawaiian Electric’s Molokai Request for Proposals filed on March 29, 2021, the CBRE program for Molokai (filed in Docket 2015-0389), and stakeholders’ comments in response to these filings in the Molokai/Lanai RFP proceeding (Docket No. 2019-0178). The Commission will also livestream the Status Conference via YouTube for public viewing and will provide information about that YouTube link in the docket and on the Commission’s website, prior to the Status Conference.
Community Based Renewable Energy ("CBRE")
April 5, 2021
On March 30, 2021, Hawaiian Electric filed the revised shared solar program for Community-Based Renewable Energy ("CBRE") Program Phase 2 Tariffs, RFPs and Model Contracts for Low- and Moderate-Income, Tranche 1, Molokai, and Lanai for the Commission's review and further action in accordance with Order No. 37592 (PDF) issued on January 29, 2021 in the CBRE docket (2015-0389).
Please visit the Community Based Renewable Energy ("CBRE") page for more information about this program. A Navigation Guide (PDF) has been created to assist in finding specific documents within the filing including links to individual PDFs of each section of this filing and redlines.
Community Based Renewable Energy ("CBRE")
December 9, 2020
On December 1, 2020, Hawaiian Electric filed the proposed final shared solar program for Community-Based Renewable Energy ("CBRE") Program Phase 2 RFPs and model contracts for Tranche 1 for the Commission's review and further action in accordance with Order No. 37070 (PDF) issued on April 9, 2020 and amended by Order No. 37139 issued on May 14, 2020 in the CBRE docket (2015-0389). Please visit the Community Based-Renewable Energy Resources page for more information about this filing. Shared solar, or CBRE, provides a way for participating subscribers without privately-owned rooftop solar to benefit from electricity generated by a renewable energy facility located in their utility service territory. The Tranche 1 RFPs will be for Oahu, Maui and Hawaii Island.
Community Based Renewable Energy ("CBRE")
October 19, 2020
On October 9, 2020, Hawaiian Electric filed the draft Community-Based Renewable Energy ("CBRE") Program Phase 2 RFPs and model contracts for Tranche 1 for the Commission's review and further action in accordance with Order No. 37070 (PDF) issued on April 9, 2020 and amended by Order No. 37139 issued on May 14, 2020 in the CBRE docket (2015-0389). Please visit the Community Based-Renewable Energy Resources page for more information about this filing. CBRE provides a way for participating subscribers without privately-owned rooftop solar to benefit from electricity generated by a renewable energy facility located in their utility service territory. The Tranche 1 RFPs will be for Oahu, Maui and Hawaii Island, but for ease of review due to their similarities, only the Maui version of the RFP has been filed.
The Commission has scheduled a Webex Technical Conference on the draft Tranche 1 RFPs for Wednesday October 28, 2020 from 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm.
The Commission will post a direct link to the technical conference on the Commission’s CBRE website:
On October 6, 2020, Hawaiian Electric also filed documents related to the Lanai CBRE RFP and the model contracts for the Low to Moderate Income and Molokai CBRE RFPs. To proactively address potential concerns that there may not be a sufficient CBRE customer market to fill 3 MW of CBRE capacity, the Company has proposed revisions to the draft final Lanai RFP and PPA (since the September 9 Filing).
Also included in the filing is a corrected version of the Oahu Mid Tier Standard Form Contract (“SFC”) and DC term sheets for the Mid-Tier PV SFC and the Large PV PPA. The version of the Oahu Mid-Tier SFC filed on September 9 inadvertently included the wrong Attachment F. The DC term sheets are newly developed for use at the Proposer’s discretion if proposing a DC coupled (versus AC coupled) PV+BESS project.
Documents from the October 6, 2020 filing can be accessed at the Community Based-Renewable Energy Resources page.
Community Based Renewable Energy ("CBRE")
October 19, 2020
On October 8, 2020, the Commission issued Order No. 37349, amending the procedural order to allow Parties and Participants to file comments on the Company’s September 8 and October 6 filings by October 26, 2020.
Community Based Renewable Energy ("CBRE")
September 14, 2020
Hawaiian Electric filed the proposed final Community-Based Renewable Energy ("CBRE") Program Phase 2 Tariff and Appendices, and RFPs and model contracts for Low and Moderate Income ("LMI") customers, Molokai and Lanai for the Commission's review and further action in accordance with Order No. 37070 (PDF) issued on April 9, 2020 in the CBRE docket (2015-0389). Please visit the Community Based-Renewable Energy Resources for more information about this filing. Community-Based Renewable Energy ("CBRE") provides a way for participating subscribers without privately-owned rooftop solar to benefit from electricity generated by a renewable energy facility located in their utility service territory.
Further details describing the details of the CBRE RFPs will be provided on this page.
The Company is excited for this opportunity to allow access to renewable energy benefits to a wider array of customers.
CBRE RFP Interconnection Cost Estimates for Maui, Molokai, and Lanai Available for Review
August 21, 2020
To aid interested stakeholders in their review, updated drafts of RFP Appendix H, Interconnection Facilities and Cost Information, for Maui LMI, Molokai, and Lanai are now available for review. Changes were made from the July 9, 2020 versions to update technical information and cost estimates for various interconnection components. Final versions of RFP Appendix H for all islands will be filed as part of the CBRE RFPs on September 8, 2020.
Land RFI Results being made available to Developers interested in CBRE Phase 2 Renewable Dispatchable Generation RFPs
August 20, 2020
Hawaiian Electric is now making available the results of the Land Request for Information (Land RFI) to developers (Subscriber Organizations) interested in participating in the upcoming Community-Based Renewable Energy (CBRE) Phase 2. Land sites and, where offered, rooftop space locations are available for the islands of Oahu, Maui, Molokai, and Hawaii.
Please see the Land RFI page for more information.
CBRE Phase 2 Renewable Dispatchable Power Purchase Agreement ("RDG PPA") for PV+Storage Available for Review
July 17, 2020
To aid interested stakeholders in their review, a draft of the Model Renewable Dispatchable Generation Power Purchase Agreement ("RDG PPA") for PV+Storage is now available for review in Microsoft Word Document format. Minor clean-up edits have been made to the version filed on July 9, 2020. This contract will be available for projects larger than 2.5 MW on Maui and Molokai and larger than 5 MW on Oahu. The attached version is tailored for Maui. Island-specific modifications will be made for the final RFP filing. A wind version of the RDG PPA will also be made available. This contract will be negotiable in the respective RFPs.
Community Based Renewable Energy ("CBRE")
July 13, 2020
Hawaiian Electric filed the Community-Based Renewable Energy ("CBRE") Program Phase 2 Draft Tariff and Appendices, and RFPs and model contracts for Low and Moderate Income ("LMI") customers, Molokai and Lanai for the Commission's review and further action in accordance with Order No. 37070 (PDF) issued on April 9, 2020 in the CBRE docket (2015-0389). Please visit the Community Based-Renewable Energy Resources page for more information about this filing. Community-Based Renewable Energy ("CBRE") provides a way for participating subscribers without privately-owned rooftop solar to benefit from electricity generated by a renewable energy facility located in their utility service territory.
Further details describing the details of the CBRE RFPs will be provided on this page.
The Company is excited for this opportunity to allow access to renewable energy benefits to a wider array of customers.
Molokai Site Visit Q&As
RFP Update (January 6, 2020)
A site visit at the site offered by the Company for the Molokai RFP was held on December 17, 2019. View the questions and answers raised during the Molokai Site visit.
Site Visits for Molokai and Lanai Variable Renewable Dispatchable Generation Paired with Energy Storage RFPs
Molokai and Lanai RFP Update (December 4, 2019)
Maui Electric Company, Ltd. ("Company") is seeking proposals for the Variable Renewable Dispatchable Generation Paired with Energy Storage ("RFP") for the Company's Systems on the islands of Molokai and Lanai. For the purpose of siting projects to fulfill the RFPs, the Company is offering potential Proposers a site visit at the following locations and dates:
Molokai Site Visit
- Date: Tuesday, December 17, 2019 from 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. (HST)
- Location: Company's Palaau site
Lanai Site Visit
- Date: Wednesday, December 18, 2019 from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (HST)
- Location: Pulama Site and the Company's interconnecting Miki Basin switchyard
Please note that attendees will be required to sign a waiver and hold harmless agreement.
For waiver forms and detailed information about the Molokai and Lanai site visits, please see the Molokai Competitive Bidding and Lanai Competitive Bidding pages respectively.