Sun Power for Schools

Washington Middle School

On July 27, 2010 Washington Middle School became the thirty-third school (seventeenth on Oahu) to receive a rooftop solar system. The 2-kW grid-connected rooftop solar system consists of ten rooftop solar modules installed on the roof of the administration building and balance-of-system (BOS) equipment, which includes the microinverters, disconnects, Data Acquisition System (DAS) and other equipment, installed in the utility room of building B. The (10 ea) Sanyo modules used at the school have a rated output of approximately 205 watts each and one of the highest module efficiencies (16.3%) available.

System details:

  • (10) Sanyo HIT Power 205 PV modules
  • (10) Enphase M210 Microinverters
  • AC utility disconnect
  • Enphase Envoy Communications Gateway
  • HNEI custom-built data acquisition system

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