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Frequently Asked Questions
This tool, and its functionality, came about from industry feedback – customers and contractors who asked for a simpler, consistent applications process – and from employees at Hawaiian Electric who are responsible for reviewing the applications.
The online tool streamlines the overall application process by allowing for convenient electronic submission of information and documents. Applicants are prompted to provide required documentation, reducing the potential of delay associated with simple errors of omission. It is not uncommon for applicants to overlook certain information required to process the application. Applicants (both customers and contractors) also have greater visibility into the overall process with regular access to log-in and see the current status of the application.
‘Innovation’ is an internally-developed webpage interface located on Hawaiian Electric’s website. It contains information about Hawaiian Electric’s technology priorities and a fillable form for external entities to provide information about their company, technology, solutions, and opportunities for technology collaboration. ‘Innovation’ is being created to find opportunities to partner with the Company by providing an external, highly visible interface to attract innovative ideas, technology solutions, and collaborative opportunities.
As part of Hawaiian Electric’s transformation to modernize its grid, explore new business models, meet the State’s Renewable Portfolio Standard goals, and create customer empowerment, the Company must find, evaluate, and implement new technologies. The ‘Innovation’ webpage is a tool to help increase our capabilities to move on advanced technology.
We are looking for ideas and solutions in technology that align with our Company’s strategic plans and business strategies, and match our highest priorities. We are looking for the right technologies and technology partners.
We will disseminate information, coordinate the vetting of responses with appropriate groups within Hawaiian Electric, and facilitate plans for follow-on collaboration. We are only seeking non-confidential public information. We also plan to archive the information to build our knowledge base and encourage technology transfer across Hawaiian Electric.
No. There will be no pre-commitments to collaborate with responders. However, this webpage may be a conduit for future requests for proposals for innovation projects for which there are plans to collaborate with selected responders.
The ‘Innovation’ webpage tool is viewed as a conduit for finding and matching technologies to our priority needs. The tool and resulting information gathered from this tool is complementary to our existing and future engagements with local and national entities involved in innovation in our business.
The outage map is updated every 15-30 minutes. Depending on when the outage is reported and recorded in the system, the delay for it to be displayed can be up to 15-30 minutes. The Oahu outage map is updated every 15 minutes while the Maui County and Hawaii Island outage maps are updated every 30 minutes.
Yes. Even though an outage may be displayed in your area, please always report your outage if you are without power. Reporting the outage gives our crew information about your specific address, and allows us to ensure that we restore power to all those affected.
You can report an outage using our online form or by calling our toll-free 24/7 Trouble Line: 1-855-304-1212 for Oahu. Please call (808) 871-7777 for Maui; 1-877-871-8461 toll free for Molokai and Lanai; and (808) 969-6666 for Hawaii Island.