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Frequently Asked Questions
Yes. Our contractors are always looking for customers to accept wood chips. This is an environmentally friendly way to dispose of the wood chips. Wood chips make great mulch, keep weeds down and keep trees moist. Please call (808) 543-7836 if you are interested in this service. A load of chips is about 10 cubic yards of mixed tree material.
- Move vehicles and lawn or garden equipment from the area where the trees are to be pruned.
- Unlock your gate when you know the crews are in the area.
- Make sure animals are leashed or secured.
- Discuss tree pruning or removal options with the inspector. Work with the inspector to discuss directional pruning.
The inspectors and tree trimmers appreciate your cooperation and will try to answer your questions the best they can.
Typically, we clear high-voltage overhead power lines of vegetation only. These are the lines in the highest position on power poles. The words "High Voltage" are marked on poles or cross-arms with high voltage lines. We prune secondary lines (those below the transformer) only if the lines are strained or rubbing the tree.
When our inspection staff identifies tree pruning or pole clearing work to be done on your property, you may be notified. Your permission is not required, because state law mandates that we maintain our lines and keep them hazard free.
The service drop is the electrical line that runs from the utility pole to your home or business and is typically not high voltage. This line only serves you and is not typically pruned by Hawaiian Electric. If you think tree branches are straining or abrading your service drop, call (808) 543-7836 or hire a line clearance tree contractor. Be careful clearing trees near service drops, because, although the lines may be low voltage, an electrical contact could result in injury or death.
When our inspection staff identifies tree pruning or pole clearing work to be done on your property, you may be notified. Your permission is not required, because state law mandates that we maintain our lines and keep them hazard free.
The utility is legally required to maintain its facilities. Utility easements and rights of ways are often conveyed in the deed to a property. In addition, as a condition of electric service to your home, you must allow Hawaiian Electric access to your property for maintenance at all reasonable times. Therefore, we have the right to access our facilities, as necessary, to properly maintain our facilities. If you have questions, call (808) 543-7836.
A Line-Clearance Qualified tree trimming contractor is a company that has an ongoing line-clearance safety program as defined by the federal and state Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). This program must include ongoing training, equipment maintenance and inspection programs to ensure tools are non-conductive for workers who routinely work near high-voltage power lines.
The following LCQ contractors may be available for hire on Oahu. Please contact them directly to discuss the work:
Asplundh Tree Expert Co. - (808) 254-1322
The Davey Tree Surgery Company - (808) 845-0945
Trees of Hawaii - (808) 842-0474
The above list of LCQ tree trimming contractors is provided for general information purposes and does not constitute an endorsement of any specific contractor. Hawaiian Electric is in no way associated with any of the above contractors. Hawaiian Electric has no control over third party tree trimming services and Hawaiian Electric does not guarantee the fitness or quality of any work performed by any of the above listed LCQ contractors, and we do recommend that customers obtain written quotes from licensed and insured LCQ contractors for any tree trimming work performed near power lines.