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Frequently Asked Questions
- Schedule a Fast DR presentation, a Preliminary Audit and/or Technical Audit
- Assist Hawaiian Electric in performing the Preliminary Audit and/or Technical Audit
- Review audit findings and decide if program benefits are worthwhile
- Develop demand response load reduction schemas to be implemented
- Determine equipment, software requirements, and upgrades
- Sign Fast DR agreement with Hawaiian Electric
- Arrange for installation of load reduction equipment, enablement, testing, and commissioning
- Begin collecting monthly participation incentives
When a customer changes their electricity usage (or demand) from their normal consumption patterns in response to requests from your utility. In return, the utility rewards customers who make their energy available for temporary reduction. The utility issues requests for demand response during periods of peak energy use, when power grid reliability is jeopardized or to assist in integrating (operating) renewable energy resources into the power grid (resource option for generation deferral and emergency power grid protection). When an event is called, the contact person(s) you have designated will receive notification of event initiation, so that customers can begin reducing their energy usage.
In addition, Demand Response may also be employed as a resource option for generation reserves, reducing the amount of online generation. So, in addition to helping prevent grid instability, Demand Response helps to keep your electricity costs low.